You deserve comprehensive, restorative wellness that makes you feel vibrant, joyful, and aligned.
We designed our Montecito Wellness Programs to help you reclaim your health, optimize your well-being, and live a joyful life.
Inside of the Montecito Wellness Program, we’ll take an in-depth look at each and every aspect of your health to identify the root causes of dysfunction… and then we’ll work towards a comprehensive treatment plan to reclaim your health and optimize your well-being.
If so, you’re not alone — and finding the root causes of your symptoms, no matter what they are, is more than possible.
Our Programs
Montecito Wellness
Metabolic Reset Program
Montecito Wellness Metabolic Reset Program is a foundational 90-day program in which we offer guidance and support in resetting health back to an optimal state of well-being by helping resolve stubborn weight, address inflammation, and establish new health-supporting habits that will help you stay well long-term.
Montecito Wellness
Comprehensive Program
Montecito Wellness Comprehensive Program, a comprehensive restorative 3-4 month wellness optimization program. It is a highly personalized program curated to your specific health needs. We look at every aspect of your health and identify dysfunction causes and opportunities to correct imbalances and restore function. This program utilizes advanced functional testing to craft a comprehensive strategy to help you reclaim your health and optimize your well-being.
Kind Words
When you embark on the Montecito Wellness journey, you’re inviting in what we like to call the ripple effect:
When you commit to your own well-being, you affect everything and everyone around you for the better — starting a ripple that extends beyond you, your family, and your community. As you prioritize and take charge of your health, we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Here’s how the Montecito Wellness Program works:
We’ll dive deep into your health history, current challenges, and wellness goals.
We’ll give you further recommendations for advanced testing, targeted lifestyle and dietary modification, and necessary supplements and botanicals.
We’ll support you with weekly check-ins and access to our holistic medicine team as you work through your comprehensive, personalized wellness plan.
You’ll reclaim your health and be equipped with new wellness tools and habits to support your journey long-term.
Our most comprehensive plan is designed to invite you to find alignment, uncover optimal wellness, and restore joy and balance to your being every step of the way.
With high support from our wellness team— and a unique blend of functional and Traditional East Asian medicine — you’ll rewrite your healing trajectory and your life.